We haven't had a Cocktail Party. That is something that my parents did. I like the idea of them though, they are like a Salon; a party where people come together to share ideas about current events, art, and literature. Some of my artist friends and I gather together and do just that. We have been doing it for several years now. We have even named ourselves the Salon of Seven and since one person dropped out a few years ago, we are now the Salon of Six. For those reading this locally, we will be doing an exhibit at LeMoyne in September.
However, I digress from the purpose of this blog. I think Facebook is our daily Salon, at least it is from my point of view. If you read my earlier post you will know that I have had some problems with either some of my posts and or my comments on other posts. I think it is because people have not fully realized that Facebook is like a cocktail party or a Salon. The other thing that I like about the comparison to a cocktail party is that often you don't know everyone, so you tend to tread a bit lightly and with respect. Most of us would never stand in the middle of a room and shout at someone that they shouldn't discuss something, that they are ignorant, or call them names. However, in speaking with others, this happens on Facebook. Maybe we are all learning what Facebook is and how to navigate it.
I know many people who say that they never publish anything on their sites that is controversial in nature. They don't want to offend anyone. They choose instead to post family things, recipes, and benign comments about the weather, etc. I do that. However, I also post things that may be controversial, political, and current. Why? Because that is who I am. I have always been willing to speak my mind. I try and be respectful most of the time but I believe if I speak my mind that I might know what is on yours! I might learn something. I mean, if you saw something on the news that you felt passionate about, wouldn't you want to talk about it at the next cocktail party?
I think it is a boring cocktail party that is filled only with sports, family, recipes, and fluff. I do like to talk about that, but I think we can also express ideas with each other too. Have we forgotten how to do that? Maybe we all need a primer on the art of conversation! Me too!
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